Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL)

Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) is a sub-mission under the Atal Innovation Mission of the Government of India. ATL is the flagship initiative of AIM, Government of India, to nurture an innovative mindset amongst high school students across the length and breadth of India. This is an important government scheme administered under the NITI Aayog. To foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as mind-set, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc., the institution has developed a well-furnished and well-equipped ATAL Tinkering Lab. It was inaugurated by Sri. V Sunil Kumar, honourable minister for Energy and Kannada and Culture, Government of Karnataka, on 23.07.2022. Students of Grade 6 to 12 are trained by able staff in this field.

S.R.Hebri English Medium School